If you are participating in an event, perhaps as an exhibitor or maybe you are holding your own event, connectivity can be a key component. PDQ machines taking credit card payments, realtime stock updates, or providing a WiFi service for people attending – all require a reliable internet connection.
We offer turnkey radio link solutions, both digital and analogue, and also have the ability to order short term phone lines and broadband, a unique product is our 1 month Superfast Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) product. We can install a phone line, put FTTC on it, and the contract term can be for one month. This is ideal if you require superfast connectivity, but don’t want to pay for a 12 month term, for only a few weeks use.
For radio stations looking to connect back to their studios for live outside broadcasts, we offer a range of services, from a simple internet connection, to a complete communications package.
Our ‘audio anywhere’ solution can take a stereo feed, from Bournemouth beach for example, and present it anywhere in the UK. Perhaps to a studio in London, or an outside broadcast van 1 mile away.
If you have an event coming up where you require internet connectivity or a complete communications solution, including public WIFI systems, get in touch, we will be happy to discuss your requirements.
example public WIFI login page, using Wide-FI.